Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Kraton Ngayogyakarta

Source :
The kraton was built in 1756 and in 1682 for the Javanese's year for the
Sultan Hamengkubuwono I when he was young as the Prince Mangkubumi Sukowoti.

The story of the Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat's existence is the story
that also tells about the war which was between 1747/1755.

In fact, after the Prince Mangkubumu Sukowati became the King he was named as Sultan Hamengkubuwono Senopati Ingalogo Ngabdulrachman Sayidin Panotogomo Kalifatuallah
Then he took the right to get the half of the Matharam Kingdom as his future
inheritants will have this right too once they get the same position as the

The very definition of Kraton is " Castle" it is the place for the King
or the Queen and then for the center of the government and then also for
the center of the culture.

Source :Yogyakarta Potensi Wisata/Tontje Thunay
Translated By : Rawda Benzerga and Orinta Kemal P.

2 komentar:

  1. pertamax gan! nice info ditunggu visit balik ke

  2. pertamax gan! nice info ditunggu visit balik ke


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